Friday, March 4, 2011

Getting Started Is The Hardest Part

Well it comes. First of all, this will be short and possibly sweet. After and hour and a half or so of trying to set up this blog and make it appear the way that I want you to view me and it..I'm exhausted! That's what you get when your in an inner hysteria of portraying yourself or your life as the fun, happy,creative, lively....well you get the picture. life does consist of those elements in part, however I'm just a girl longing for things (eternal) and somehow always left feeling dissapointment..on the flip side there is one constant thing that never ceases and it is....... the longing itself. No matter what the day holds or may hand me or {in more honest terms}I make of it....somewhere meshed together at the end of every day, there lies an almost tangible hope that is wreaking of dissapointent sprawled out across the casing of my heart. Now, I am certainly no doctor, counselor, or even advisor of any sort...but my concluding of this roller coaster of emotions and daily climatic tug of war between the fibers of my being...leave me to conclude only one , well maybe two things. One, I am a total nutcase....or two,God is trying to get my attention......stay tuned....we'll get to the bottom of this:)

1 comment:

  1. Looking forward to following your 'epic' adventure.:) Your blog space looks great and is certainly representative of YOU. Love you, friend.
